

English language learning is foundational to your child’s education and growth in Canada. Our passionate and experienced teachers guide students to practice and improve reading comprehension, oral communications, and creative and academic writing skills. At Upper Forest Hill Education, we are committed to building an engaging and enriching learning environment. We are here to help each and every student surpass their academic goals and get ahead at their learning level.

Our students will take their language skills into every academic program and career they might choose. Our cohort of highly qualified teachers will be there every step of the way to build academic self-confidence and genuine interest in English learning.



1996年开始执教于多伦多著名的Earl Haig高中,曾为高中英文系主任。多年来,Constance老师专注于英语教学,针对听、说、读、写都研究出了一套独特并有效的教学方案。同时,Constance老师还非常善于针对不同背景、不同基础的学生给出具有针对性的教学方案,所以不管是ESL学生还是以英语为母语的学生,在Constance老师这里都能够感受到最适合自己的教学。在他的学生眼里,Constance老师总是能够耐心地为同学们答疑解惑,针对每个人所出现的不同问题给出最有效的指导。


With more than 25 years of teaching experience, Constance has helped students at every level of English proficiency to succeed. Formerly the head of the English Department at Secondary School, Constance returned to part-time teaching after retirement. To her students, Constance is a passionate and patient instructor, who takes special care to understand each student’s unique needs and learning styles.

Constance also leads by example when it comes to continuous learning and development. In 2014, she completed a Masters degree in French Studies and has developed a specialized curriculum to help English-speaking students understand the French language structure in a memorable way.




多伦多大学心理学学士,澳大利亚卧龙岗大学教育学位,安省教师资格。曾在私校,各大教学机构以及Humble college担任英文教师。


